
Fortytwo Security is your trusted cloud and cyber security partner. Contact us at +31 (0) 4232420 or complete the form below to talk to an expert.

Fortytwo Security

Noordermarkt 16
1015 MX Amsterdam
+31 (0)20 4232420


How can we help?

How to get to our office

Fortytwo Security is in the city center of Amsterdam. You can best reach us by public transportation.

By public transportation

From the Central Station of Amsterdam, exit through the main exit (city center) and turn right. Continue in that direction, and pass the Ibis Hotel. Go left across the bridge, then right through the tunnel. Then, enter the first street to the right, into the Haarlemmerstraat. After about 400 meters, go left at ‘Marqt’, onto the Korte Prinsengracht. Pass the first bridge and go right over the connected bridge. Go directly left onto the Prinsengracht, and after 25 meters go right onto the Noordermarkt, Fortytwo is at number 16.

By car

By car, the best route to the Noordermarkt is through the Haarlemmerweg – Marnixstraat – Westerstraat. It is always difficult to find parking in the center of Amsterdam, but parking spots are usually available close to our office. The closest covered parking is ‘Q-Park Nieuwezijds Kolk’.