Security Assessments

At Fortytwo Security, we understand that one size does not fit all when it comes to cybersecurity. That is why we take a tailored approach to security assessments, focusing on understanding your business objectives, identifying potential risks, and recommending targeted solutions.

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Our Assessments

A maze to illustrate the complexities of vulnerability testing

Penetration Test Orange padlock

We perform targeted penetration testing to simulate real-world cyber-attacks. Our certified ethical hackers leverage advanced techniques to identify exploitable vulnerabilities and assess the effectiveness of your defenses.

A ships radar, navigating safety

Scan orange padlock

Our team conducts comprehensive vulnerability assessments to identify weaknesses and gaps in your IT environment. We utilize industry-leading tools and techniques to scan networks, applications, and systems for known vulnerabilities and misconfigurations.

Magnifying glass on a computer keyboard

Scan Orange padlock

A security scan is a good start to check out your security status. During a scan, we check what security risks should be addressed in a particular IT infrastructure. It is a quick check for potential security leaks, network risks, and security issues.

A red keyboard being worked on in a red teaming campaign

Teaming Orange padlock

Red teaming is a simulation-based approach to cybersecurity testing that emulates real-world attack scenarios. Unlike traditional security assessments, which focus on identifying vulnerabilities, red teaming goes a step further by simulating the tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTPs) used by sophisticated threat actors.

Why perform Security Assessments?

Security assessments offer a proactive approach to identifying vulnerabilities, assessing risks, and fortifying your defenses against potential attacks. At Fortytwo Security, we specialize in providing comprehensive security assessments tailored to the unique needs of businesses across industries. With our expertise and advanced methodologies, we help you navigate the complex threat landscape and strengthen your security posture effectively.


Meet compliance

Depending on the industry you are in many governments apply regulatory compliance rules that require a security assessment.


Protect reputation

Demonstrate to your business partners, regulators, and suppliers that you take cyber security seriously.


Peace of mind

Reassurance that your valuable data is as secure as possible. Threats from cyber criminals, internal threats, and malware are being dealt with.


Realistic insights

Gain expert insight into security vulnerabilities.

Key features of our
security assessment services

Our team are fully trained, holding a range of accreditations including QSA, CISSP, CCSA, and CISA. We develop custom penetration tests that suit your company profile.

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We developed a proprietary approach to assessing information security risks. It’s more than a checklist of questions and recorded answers. Our approach gives you a full picture of your risks (prioritized and rated) with recommended solutions, so you know which security investments will have the greatest impact.

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Highly satisfied

We provide value to our clients on a consistent, ongoing basis and we are proud of our long-term client relationships.

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Extraordinary service
and support

We truly care for your data security. Always providing and delivering professional, helpful, high-quality service and assistance before, during, and after your requirements are met.

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Full transparency

We believe in empowering our clients. The more knowledge transfer occurs during our engagement, the more value our customers recognize. Our team fully discloses the methods, tools, and configurations used to perform analysis work for our customers in the hope that they can easily adopt our processes for their future benefit.

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Clear communication

In our work and proposals, no surprises. We strongly believe in providing easy-to-understand reporting.

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Our highly skilled team leaders have more than 15 years of information security experience. While a penetration test may involve the use of automated tools and process frameworks, the focus is ultimately on the individual or team of testers, the experience we bring to the test, and the skills in the context of an active attack on your organization.