Red teaming

How vulnerable is your company? Could your IT team detect a cyber-attack at an early stage and successfully defend against it? With our Red Team Assessment, we provide you with information about the damage your company would face in the event of a successful cyber-attack. With Fortytwo Security’s Red teaming service, you can stay one step ahead of adversaries and protect what matters most.

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What is Red teaming?

A Red Team assessment is a proactive cybersecurity test conducted by our team of skilled professionals. During a fixed timeframe, we simulate real-world cyberattacks to evaluate your organization's security posture, resilience, and readiness to defend against sophisticated threats.

Unlike traditional penetration testing, which typically focuses on identifying vulnerabilities and weaknesses in specific systems or applications, Red Teaming takes a holistic approach to assess an organization's overall security capabilities, including people, processes, and technology.

In preparation for the Red Team Assessment, we work with you to define an overarching attack scenario. For example, the compromise of selected, critical IT systems or the theft of digitally stored business secrets. Uncover hidden risks, test your defenses, and enhance your organization's resilience against cyber threats

A Fortytwo Security employee carring out red teaming for an organization.

The benefits of our
Red teaming service

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Find the weak spots

Imagine your cybersecurity like a big, sturdy fence around your house. Red Teaming is like having a friend who's good at spotting holes or weak boards in the fence that you might have missed. We find the gaps before someone else does – someone who's not a friend.

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Real-world testing

It's one thing to think your security is strong because everything looks good on paper. It's another to see how it holds up in a real storm. We're like that storm, but controlled and safe. We show you how your systems react under actual attack conditions, not just in theory.

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Training your team

Sometimes, the biggest risk is a well-meaning employee who accidentally opens the gate for the bad guys. Our exercises can be eye-opening for your team. It's like a fire drill – it prepares everyone for what to do if there's an actual emergency.

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Compliance and industry standards

Many industries have regulations about cybersecurity. Red Teaming helps you not just meet these standards but exceed them. It's like having an extra seal of approval on your security practices.

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Stay ahead of the
bad guys

Cyber threats are constantly evolving, like a virus that keeps mutating. With Red Teaming, we use the latest tactics that real attackers are using, which means you're always one step ahead.

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Build trust with customers

When you can confidently say, "We regularly test and update our security measures," your customers feel safer. It's like showing them that you have a top-notch security system in your store.


Our commitment to ethical hacking and legal compliance is unwavering. We operate with integrity, ensuring that all our activities are conducted responsibly and in line with the highest legal standards. Our approach is precise and controlled, mirroring a surgeon's care, but always within the boundaries of the law. This ensures that while we strengthen your cyber defenses, we also maintain your trust and uphold your reputation. In a landscape where ethical lines can blur, we stand as your reliable, principled cybersecurity partner.

How we work at
Fortytwo Security


Preparation phase

We collaborate closely with your team to develop customized attack scenarios tailored to your organization's unique environment, objectives, and threat landscape. Our scenario planning process ensures that the red team engagement aligns with your specific goals and priorities.


Recon phase

The reconnaissance phase, often referred to as the "recon" phase, during a red team engagement is a critical initial step where the red team gathers as much information as possible about the target organization. This information is used to understand the target's environment, identify potential vulnerabilities, and develop strategies for subsequent phases of the engagement. The recon phase involves both passive and active methods.


Initial access, lateral movement, and privilege escalation

The red team actively exploits vulnerabilities or leverages information gathered during the reconnaissance phase to gain unauthorized entry into the target organization's network, systems, or applications. This phase sets the foundation for further actions the red team can perform within the target environment. The goal is to establish a foothold in the network, from which the red team can expand its access, escalate privileges, and move laterally to reach high-value targets.


Persistence and exfiltration

Persistence and Exfiltration are two key phases of a cyberattack lifecycle, representing stages where attackers establish a lasting presence within a target environment and exfiltrate sensitive data.


Reporting and remediation

Following the engagement, we provide a detailed assessment report outlining our findings, including identified vulnerabilities, attack paths, and recommendations for remediation. Our report includes actionable insights and strategic recommendations to help you prioritize and address security gaps effectively.


Unlike traditional penetration testing or vulnerability assessments, Red Teaming takes a holistic approach to assess an organization's overall security capabilities, including people, processes, and technology. Red Team assessments simulate full-scale cyberattacks, including reconnaissance, infiltration, lateral movement, and exfiltration.

The primary objectives of a Red Teaming assessment are to identify weaknesses in an organization's defenses, test incident response capabilities, evaluate the effectiveness of security controls, and enhance overall resilience to cyber threats.

The duration of a Red Teaming engagement can vary depending on factors such as the complexity of the target environment, the scope of the assessment, and the specific objectives agreed upon. Engagements may range from several weeks to several months.

Organizations of all sizes and industries can benefit from Red Teaming assessments, particularly those with high-value assets, sensitive data, or heightened risk of targeted cyberattacks. Red Teaming is particularly valuable for organizations seeking to test and validate their security defenses against advanced threats.

The frequency of Red Teaming assessments may vary depending on factors such as changes in the threat landscape, updates to your infrastructure or applications, and regulatory requirements. Many organizations conduct Red Teaming assessments on an annual or biannual basis to maintain readiness against evolving threats.