Security scan

With our security scan, you can proactively identify potential security risks and threats before they can be exploited by malicious actors. Security scans are performed using various tools, techniques, and methodologies, depending on the specific goals and requirements of the organization.

Book a security scan

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Why would you need a
Security scan?

To get rid of cyber threats once and for all. By performing security scans businesses can protect themselves against the ever-growing threat of cyber-attacks. The benefits of security scanning:

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Protect company reputation

Demonstrate to your business partners, regulators and suppliers that you take cyber security seriously.

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Safeguard sensitive data

Cyber criminals target companies with high value data. Prepare your company against cyber-attacks.

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Support increased investments

Gain evidence to support investments in security personnel and technology.

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Cyber security

Gain an expert oversight of your cyber security controls.

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Know where the company stands in terms of security. And the ability of network defenders to successfully detect and respond to attacks. Just as the adage goes, a chain is only as strong as its weakest link. Until you know how attackers see your system, you can’t tell when they are going to strike.

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Peace of mind

Reassurance that your valuable data is as secure as possible. Threats from cyber criminals, internal threats and malware are being dealt with.

A magnifying glass on a laptop which is in the midst of a security scan.

Security scanning options

Fortytwo offers multiple options for security scanning, from a quick scan of potential risks to a more in-depth assessment. We can customize the scan, depending on your company's needs. Here you find the three mostly acquired security scans:

scan light

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Entry-level security quickscan

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Vulnerability scan (External)

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Software and hardware review (EOL, Security)


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Comprehensive quick scan

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Vulnerability scan (External)

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Software and hardware review (EOL, Security)

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Review of network and configuration


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Quick scan and review of infrastructure

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Configuration review

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Security configuration tooling